Celková hodnota zaregistrovaných bankoviek: 1540605 €
Priemerná nominálna hodnota zadaných bankoviek: 7.24 €
Rozdelenie zadaných bankoviek podľa ich nominálnej hodnoty
5 €
771735 €
10 €
502330 €
20 €
118740 €
50 €
94300 €
100 €
23800 €
200 €
10200 €
500 €
19500 €
Best regards to all hitpartners and trackers !!!
€*€*€ Quality User €*€*€
Only entering notes that pass my own hands on the locations where I personally receive/spend them ! <
--> Notes entered in Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Austria, Portugal, The Netherlands, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Iceland, Slovakia, United States, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Switzerland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Denmark, Sweden, Vatican City, Romania, Finland, Mauritius, Ivory Coast, Andorra, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Malta and Peru
First user ever in the universe to enter notes in Oberbillig (D), Zulzeke (B), Wulveringem (B), Zoutenaaie (B), Ooike (B) Reuil (F), Flims (CH), Pentolina (I),Ghyvelde (F), Badefols-d'Ans (F), Chahaignes (F), Pruillé-l'Eguillé (F), Saint-Martin-le-Gaillard (F), Albion (MU), Grande-Rivière-Noire (MU), Trarego Viggiona (I), Gurro (I), Hildfeld (D), Hoya del Gamonal (E) Jezerce (HR) Seliste Dreznicko (HR) and Cukovi (BH)! First user to spend and thus enter notes in most of the Scottish and English towns above ! First user to exchange notes in Akureyri and spend one in Grindavik, Iceland ! ¡¡First user on EBT to exchange notes in Nicaragua !!